Woojin Jang, Jason Sang Hun Lee, Inkyu Park, Ian James Watson
Journal of the Korean Physical Society volume 81, pages377–385 (2022)
The Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa (CKM) element Vts, representing the coupling between the top and strange quarks, is currently best determined through fits based on the unitarity of the CKM matrix, and measured indirectly through box-diagram oscillations, and loop-mediated rare decays of the B or K mesons. It has been previously proposed to use the tree level decay of the t quark to the s quark to determine |Vts| at the LHC, which has become a top factory. In this paper, we extend the proposal by performing a detailed analysis of measuring t→sW in dileptonic tt̅ events. In particular, we perform detector response simulation, including the reconstruction of K0S, which are used for tagging jets produced by s quarks against the dominant t→bW decay. We show that it should be possible to exclude |Vts|=0 at 5.5σ with the expected High Luminosity LHC luminosity of 3000 fb−1, considering only the statistical uncertainties, and not the systematic uncertainties which will play a role in setting the final analysis limits.
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