Particle Physics
Particle physics is the study of the most fundamental physics, the building blocks of matter and their interactions.
The Standard Model of Particle Physics contains all the known particles and force carriers.

The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment
The CMS experiment is one of the major experiments at the Large Hadron Collider.
Top Physics
The top quark is the heaviest particle among the Standard Model (SM) particles. And due to the its very short life time, it’s the only particle that we can study it as a bare quark. We are making various measurement of the top quark properties to test the SM and search new physics beyond the standard model.
Research interests
- |Vts| measurement
- tt charge asymmetry
- CP violation in single top
- t-channel Top polarization

Supersymmetry and Beyond the standard model
There are still many big questions that remain unanswered
- What are dark matter and dark energy?
- Where did all the anti-matter go?
- How does gravity fit into the standard model?
Research interests
- Search for Non-thermal Dark Matter in Monotop Events
- Vector boson fusion supersymmetry search
- Search for Z’ Boson decaying into tau pairs in bottom fermion fusion process
GEM Detector R&D
Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) is a type of gaseous detector used in high-energy physics experiments to detect and track charged particles. is
Research interests
- Neutron detecting using GEM

Machine Learning
Machine learning has already played a huge role in particle physics, being crucial for the discovery of the Higgs particle!
The role of machine learning is rapidly expanding and we are exploring a wide range of applications.
Research interests
- Quark-Gluon jet classification with weakly-supervised learning
- Simulating particle shower with GAN
- Self-attension network
Particle Physics